Situated within a residential neighborhood in Sao Paolo, Casa Ibsen harmoniously integrates our stainless steel kitchen with the intimate wooden and concrete architecture. According to the architecs Matheus Farah and [...]
"Sought After" project, with its open kitchen living room, emerged due to the need for restructuring the internal space and addressing structural concerns linked to the aging building located in [...]
Inside Palazzo Carmi, in the heart of downtown Parma, the architects of our partner Blank Design for Living have skillfully brought to life a renovation project in one of the [...]
ADOM-STUDIO, a multi-disciplinary Architecture and Desing Office based in Madrid and founded in 2017 by Marta Susino and José María Peláez-Campomanes, in collaboration with our spanish partner Valcucine Madrid | [...]
Within the sustainable setting of a Tao Zhu Yin Yuan Residential Tower, designed by Paris-based architect Vincent Callebaut, our kitchen technology seamlessly combines science and a sense of elegance inside [...]
Valcucine Brasil | Habitat Naturale contributed, together with architect Ricardo Abreu, to the Casa Coral project in Casa Cor (San Paolo, Brasil) to create a house with a colourful and [...]
On the outside, an interplay of lines, an elegantly constructed cube architecture with a mix of materials. Inside, spacious and comfortable spaces under the banner of everyday life. Situated within [...]
The choice to integrate the kitchen into the living space, to insert a bar at home, or to create an open-plan living space with an open kitchen is becoming increasingly [...]
Great scenic impact and maximum efficiency for our Logica Celata, the result of ingenious research aimed at reinventing ergonomics and designed for the total integration of the kitchen with the [...]
The Genius Loci kitchen reflects the emblem of the modern and customised kitchen, as in the old secretaire it has in the drawer a secret, intimate and complicit space. An [...]
Valcucine's new kitchen showroom in Los Angeles (USA) was recently opened together with our partner DOM Interiors. Our partner boasts extensive design experience and collaborations with renowned design studios, including [...]