Sustainable 2011

The Centre for Sustainable (CfSD) organises Sustainable Innovation 2011, an international event which provides a platform to discuss the opportunities and challenges related to sustainability, innovation, , product and service and . Sustainable Innovation 2011 includes invited and refereed papers from academics, consultants, entrepreneurs, investors, technology providers, designers, , environment and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) managers as well as other business functions. The event represents a unique learning experience, networking space and opportunity for blue-sky ‘out of the office' thinking.
The Centre for Sustainable Design, established in 1995 in Farnham, Surrey, UK, has led and participated in a range of high quality research and has organised more than a hundred conferences, workshops and training courses focused on sustainable innovation and product sustainability.

The topics for the 2011 edition are the following:

Radical change
Collaborations and partnerships
Market transformation
Supply chain management
Sustainable Consumption & Production
Innovation processes

Design Strategies
Product policy

‘Open' innovation

Organisational dimensions
Management systems
Case studies

Sustainable Innovation 2011 will be held from the 24th to the 29th October in Farham (UK); it will provide a range of benefits to speakers and delegates, such as unique forum for new ideas and concepts, leading-edge presentations from leading researchers, practitioners and policy-makers, as well as an opportunity for networking with business, government and academia.

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SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION 2011 “‘State of the Art‘ in Sustainable Innovation & Design”

Part of the ‘Towards Sustainable Product Design' series of conferences

16th International Conference
24th – 25th October 2011
Farnham Castle

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