Boom SP


The first edition of BOOM SP –International , Design and Art will bring booming speakers to Brazil and promote a cool atmosphere to the city. Organized by RSPROMO it will be held simultaneously to the opening of Karim Rashid's at Instituto Tomie Ohtake – October 24th 2008 to January 04th 2009. KARIM RASHID'S in a partnership with KARIM RASHID'S – NYC office and Instituto Tomie Ohtake – São Paulo. RSPROMO is organizing both projects. Solo organization of BOOM SP DESIGN with great support from its sponsors and partners.

BOOM SP DESIGN will promote a debate of the 3 main topics and its influence on consumers behavior, technology , and its impacts in the way, , designers, artists, corporations, marketing professionals, curators, institutions directors, etc are establishing news parameters to develop future projects. Willing to attract more consumers to their stores to buy their products, to visit their exhibitions and museums, to commission them to develop new projects, etc

Curated by Albrecht Bangert, German, specialist in arts and design exhibitions and books also director of Studio Bangert. Special participation of Angelo Derenze Jr., publisher of Casa Claudia Luxo-Editora Abril.

BOOM SP DESIGN – Architecture, Design and Art will be hosted at Shopping Iguatemi – Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2232, 9th floor, São Paulo – SP – Brazil, on October 23rd and 24th, 2008, from 9am to 7 pm.

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