ICFF Award

Each year at the ICFF, a panel of the hippest and most in-the-know U.S. and international editors bestows the ICFF Editors Awards. The awards are among the industry's highest accolades, a summit of success for designers and manufacturers in the field of contemporary furnishings. Valcucine has been awarded in the and Bath category.

Ogni anno all'ICFF, una giuria composta dagli editori più cool del panorama americano conferisce il premio ICFF Editor Award. I premi sono assegnati alle migliori aziende e ai migliori designer del panorama dell'arredamento contemporaneo.
Il premio per la categoria Bagno e è stato conferito a Valcucine.

All the awards:

Kitchen and Bath: Valcucine
Body of Work: Herman Miller Inc.'s The Lifework Portfolio
New Designer: Todd Bracher
Craftsmanship: Mabeo Furniture
Furniture: Yves Behar for HBF
Seating: Magis spa
Carpet and Flooring: Amy Helfand
Lighting: PABLO
Outdoor Furniture: Samoa
Materials: Greg Lynn for Panelite
Wall Coverings: Trove
Accessories: Czech Center of New York's Krehky
Textiles: Carnegie's Xorel Collection
Multiple Production: Plank's Myto by Konstantin Grcic
School: Savannah College of Art and (SCAD)
Booth: School of Visual Arts (SVA)

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