Measurements of Kitchen Corners

How are corners measured?

Before ordering kitchen furniture it is a good idea to take accurate measurements of the walls to check for possible off-square corners. Two walls are perpendicular if the diagonal line, measured at one metre’s distance from the corner, is 141.5 cm. This measurement must be taken at various heights, but special attention must be paid to the measurement taken for the top (at a height of about 90cm from the floor) for which it is advisable to reproduce a cardboard template. A small mistake in this measurement may require costly worktop modifications with a high probability of error.


Misure angoli cucina

If the kitchen corner is not square, two cases are possible:
A – the diagonal line is <141.5 therefore the angle is <90°. In this case the length of the kitchen must be shorter than the length of the wall, especially if jumbo drawers, drawers, a dishwasher or the oven are fitted at the end of the arrangement.
B – the diagonal line is >141.5 therefore the angle is >90°. In this case the length of the kitchen can correspond to the length of the wall. The empty gap at the front wil be covered by a filler. The top will be produced using a template.