Precious Metal

Precious settings

Past and present, tradition and innovation blend in these metals with a strong personality capable of conveying timeless elegance to the kitchen.

Sheets of metal, applied to a backing panel, are scratched by hand and protected by transparent varnish. Manual work creates unrepeatable colour variations that add value to the product. For Distressed Brass and Distressed Copper, the sheets are subjected to an additional process that creates an “aged” effect, simulating the action of time.
These metals beautify cabinets by creating evocative, iridescent reflections that change continuously depending on the angle and intensity of the light.



Special Elements


Precious Metal | MTOA Antique Brass
Precious Metal | MTOB Brown Brass
Precious Metal | MTON Natural Brass
Precious Metal | MTOR Rose Brass
Precious Metal | MTRA Antique Copper
Precious Metal | MTRN Natural Copper
Precious Metal | MTZS Brushed Titanium Zinc